What's the Difference Between Chiropractic Care and Physical Therapy?

Both chiropractic care and physical therapy focus on relieving pain by restoring function. However, these two professions are quite different from each other.

September 12, 2022

Both chiropractic care and physical therapy focus on relieving pain by restoring function. However, these two professions are quite different from each other. Though both fields are heavily concerned with the well-being of their patients, they each do so in a unique way. So what is the difference between chiropractic care and physical therapy? Read on to learn more.


What Is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a type of medicine that focuses on the nervous system. The chiropractor focuses on “manipulating” the body to “open up” the nervous system to allow for normal function. The nervous system is made up of the spine, nerves, and brain. When the spinal cord and the nerves are restricted, then the body does not function properly. The spinal cord is the pathway that connects the brain to the rest of the body. It allows nerves to be able to send and receive signals. When the spine is injured, it causes problems like back pain, neck pain, headaches, and even leg pain. Chiropractors also offer treatments for people suffering with joint pain, auto-immune disorders, digestive disorders, and asthma. In many cases, people have sought chiropractic care because they have heard that it can help with back pain. However, there are many other conditions that chiropractors can help with.


What Is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is a type of healthcare that is focused on restoring movement and function of a person’s body. The body has become stiff and out of alignment, due to injury, illness, or aging. Causes of stiffness and loss of movement include arthritis, sprains and strains, surgery, childhood injuries, and diseases such as Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis and cerebral palsy. Physical therapists work with people to restore movement and function. They may do this by helping a person strengthen certain muscles, build up the strength and flexibility of muscles, and improve joint movement. They often work with people who have had injuries or health conditions that have caused them to become stiff and out of alignment, or who have been aging.


Differences Between Chiropractic Care and Physical Therapy

Chiropractic and physical therapy focus on restoring function and coordination of the nervous system. However, they do so in different ways. Here are some key differences: Chiropractors diagnose and treat health conditions using manipulative techniques . They diagnose conditions like back pain, neck pain, headaches, and even leg pain. They also treat certain health issues like digestive disorders and auto-immune disorders. In many cases, people have sought chiropractic care because they have heard that it can help with back pain. However, there are many other conditions that chiropractors can help with. . They diagnose conditions like back pain, neck pain, headaches, and even leg pain. They also treat certain health issues like digestive disorders and cerebral palsy. In many cases, people have sought chiropractic care because they have heard that it can help with back pain. However, there are many other conditions that chiropractors can help with. Physical therapists work on movement, function, and coordination. They work on strengthening muscles, building up the strength and flexibility of muscles, and improving joint movement. They often work with people who have had injuries or health conditions that have caused them to become stiff and out of alignment, or who are aging. They work on strengthening muscles, building up the strength and flexibility of muscles, and improving joint movement. They often work with people who have had injuries or health conditions that have caused them to become stiff and out of alignment, or who are aging. Physical therapists focus on restoring movement and function of the body. They work on restoring movement and coordination of muscles, tendons, bones, and joints.



Chiropractic is a type of medicine that focuses on the nervous system. The chiropractor focuses on “manipulating” the body to “open up” the nervous system to allow for normal function. The nervous system is made up of the spine, nerves, and brain. When the spinal cord and the nerves are restricted, then the body does not function properly. The spinal cord is the pathway that connects the brain to the rest of the body. it allows nerves to be able to send and receive signals. When the spine is injured, it causes problems like back pain, neck pain, headaches, and even leg pain. Physical therapy is a type of healthcare that is focused on restoring movement and function of a person’s body. Causes of stiffness and loss of movement include arthritis, sprains and strains, surgery, childhood injuries, and diseases such as Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis and cerebral palsy. Chiropractors and physical therapists focus on different things in treating health conditions. Chiropractors focus on restoring function and coordination of the nervous system. Physical therapists focus on restoring movement and function of the body. Both chiropractic care and physical therapy can help with many health conditions, but it is important for patients to know the difference between the two so they can be the most effective in treating their symptoms.