What's the Difference Between Chiropractic Adjustment and Deep Tissue Massage?

We usually think of massages as being relaxed, gentle movements that help us feel relaxed and refreshed.

September 12, 2022

We usually think of massages as being relaxed, gentle movements that help us feel relaxed and refreshed. However, this is only one type of massage. Deep tissue massages use pressure to stimulate nerves and muscles in order to relieve stress and tension. With deep tissue massage, the therapist will use their thumbs, forearms and other hands to dig into your muscles using pressure and force. Chiropractic adjustments are similar to deep tissue massages because they both work by applying pressure on certain areas with the goal of relieving pain and tension in your body. However, there are some key differences between chiropractic adjustment and deep tissue massage.


What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

A chiropractic adjustment is a treatment that uses spinal manipulation. Chiropractors will adjust the spine by manipulating your joints, called the subluxation, and using specific techniques to adjust your spine. These techniques may include twisting, pressing, and pulling specific areas of the spine. These techniques are designed to correct misalignments in the spine that cause pain, but they can also help improve your overall health by improving your nervous system function. The spinal muscles are made up of many different types of tissue. When these muscles are misaligned, it can cause chronic pain, inflammation, or both. By adjusting these muscles, chiropractors aim to prevent these issues from happening.


Differences Between Chiropractic Adjustments and Deep Tissue Massages

Deep tissue massages use slow and focused pressure to stimulate your muscles and release tension. Deep tissue massages are often combined with Swedish or other types of strokes. The most common deep tissue massage technique is the effleurage stroke. Effleurage strokes are slow, flowing movements with the hands that are often paired with an alternating reverse stroke. The pressure used in effleurage is low and even, while the reverse stroke is more forceful and concentric. Effleurage is often used to relax muscles while the reverse stroke is used to stretch them.


How to Have a Chiropractic Adjustment

There are many different ways to have a chiropractic adjustment. The doctor will either manually manipulate your spine or they may use an imaging machine to detect where the spine is misaligned. Depending on your condition, you may have the adjustments in the doctor's office or they may travel to your home. If you have a small case of the flu or a minor injury, you may find relief from a chiropractic adjustment. Find a chiropractor near you and take advantage of the many benefits of chiropractic care.



Chiropractic adjustments are similar to deep tissue massages in that they both work by applying pressure on certain areas with the goal of relieving pain and tension in your body. However, there are some key differences between chiropractic adjustment and deep tissue massage. Deep tissue massages use slow and focused pressure to stimulate your muscles and release tension. Deep tissue massages are often combined with Swedish or other types of strokes. The most common deep tissue massage technique is the effleurage stroke. Effleurage strokes are slow, flowing movements with the hands that are often paired with an alternating reverse stroke. The pressure used in effleurage is low and even, while the reverse stroke is more forceful and concentric. Effleurage is often used to relax muscles while the reverse stroke is used to stretch them.